Sunday, May 16, 2010

when it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what i do, then i'm already better than them anyway

So. this marilyn monroe quote kind of explains me to a T.

I'm a little bit snarky--this isn't just me talking; i'm told so all the time. other common words used to describe me are 'feisty,' 'spunky,' refers to me as a 'fireball' when trying to describe me to new people...and occasionally, i get 'bitchy.'

In case you're wondering, i'm really not. I'm just sarcastic and (i think) really funny. Others just can't take a joke, that's all :) those who know me, realize that i'm just a teddy bear. i'm always down for giving you a hug and a cookie (if i like you well enough to let you into my bubble, anyway) and i like just chillin in the living room with my very bestest friends.
i love movies. i love my family. i love my bed. i love my puppy. i love writing, hence the blog where i can write and people are forced to read it--sort of. i love to read. i like photography, but it's just a hobby vs. hardcore technical stuff. i love dancing and music and rocking out in the car.

i truly don't care what people think of me. i do what i want to. don't get me wrong, intentionally hurting people isn't in the realm of 'what i want.' but i won't do something i dont want to or don't enjoy doing because someone else thinks i should. i'm painfully blunt. and these aspects are where the 'bitchy' comes into play, i guess. if someone asks, 'am i bugging you?' and they are, i'll tell them so. i'll never understand why this is: why ask if you don't want the legit answer? riddle me that, batman.

anyway. that's the bare basics about me...i'm sure we'll get to be great friends over my rants--which i do a lot--and my semi-philosophical moments where everything is kumbaya and world peace.

basically. i'm a piece of work. get ready for the rollercoaster.

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